Wednesday, February 11, 2009

But Obama is AGAINST the War


TG: Obama is supposed to be against the war on terror and against torture. After all, he closed Gitmo, didn't he? Bush. McCain, and Obama were not opponents. They are TEAMMATES, supporting the same New World Order. Once again, we see Obama walking through the door that "Gentleman George" is holding open for him.

"What makes this particularly appalling and inexcusable is that Senate Democrats had long vehemently opposed the use of the "state secrets" privilege in exactly the way that the Bush administration used it in this case, even sponsoring legislation to limits its use and scope. Yet here is Obama, the very first chance he gets, invoking exactly this doctrine in its most expansive and abusive form to prevent torture victims even from having their day in court, on the ground that national security will be jeopardized if courts examine the Bush administration's rendition and torture programs -- even though (a) the rendition and torture programs have been written about extensively in the public record; (b) numerous other countries have investigated exactly these allegations; and (c) other countries have provided judicial forums in which these same victims could obtain relief."


"The entire claim of "state secrets" in this case is based on two sworn Declarations from CIA Director Michael Hayden - one public and one filed secretly with the court. In them, Hayden argues that courts cannot adjudicate this case because to do so would be to disclose and thus degrade key CIA programs of rendition and interrogation - the very policies which Obama, in his first week in office, ordered shall no longer exist."


"It isn't merely that the Obama DOJ is invoking the privilege for this particular case, which contains allegations of torture that are as brutal and severe as any. That's bad enough. But worse is that they're invoking the most abusive parts of the Bush theory: namely, that the privilege can be used to block the adjudication of entire cases (rather than, say, justify the concealment of specific classified documents or other pieces of evidence), and, worse still, can be used to prevent judicial scrutiny even when the alleged government conduct is blatantly illegal and, as here, a war crime of the greatest seriousness."

1 comment:

  1. One more indication that all the talk of change in Washington will come short in the end.
    Thanks for posting this.
